LCWaikiki which targets being one of the most successful three fashion merchandisers in Europe until 2023 benefits from the information technologies as much as possible. IT unit of LCWaikiki provides support to a very broad user network. They began to use HPE Software (Micro Focus) ITSM products in order to meet the technology-based demands and solve problems more effectively. Deniz Ölmez, Procurement, Support and Warehouse Manager of LCWaikiki IT Center answered our questions on this project performed with Basistek:
Can you tell about LCW briefly?
Brand journey of LCWaikiki which started in France in 1988 has continued as a Turkish brand under the umbrella of LCWaikiki Mağazacılık Hizmetleri Ticaret A.Ş. since 1997. LC Waikiki offers qualified and affordable products in 833 stores in 38 countries and makes its customers enjoy reachable fashion with the philosophy "Everyone Deserves to Dress Well'. LCWaikiki whose head office is in Turkey renders service to its customers in Albania, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, UAE, Belarus; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria, Algeria, Armenia, Indonesia, Morocco, Georgia, Iraq, Iran, Qatar, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kirghizistan, TRNC, Kosovo, Lebanon, Libya, Macedonia, Egypt, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Amman, China, Jordan, Ukraine, Tajikistan and Tunisia. LCWaikiki whose overseas investments started in Romania in 2009 targets "being one of the most successful three fashion merchandisers in Europe until 2023." In 2013, our company was selected as Turkey's “Favorite Company in the Ready-to-Wear Industry."
How did you cooperate with BASISTEK to make this investment? How did the process proceed?
Our path crossed with BASISTEK at stage of help desk which will find solution to our problems and during the search of suppliers. Its professional and directive approach which masters own subject impressed us positively. BASISTEK did not handle this process in a classical way such as only answering the questions and saying what we should do. Instead, they helped us to determine the problems by tackling them collectively. They formed a sphere in which we can solve such problems with a common sense. Expert staff of BASISTEK gave guidance on finding the most optimum and affordable solution for us with their know how and professional approach. At this point, it was important for us to initially see that we will reach the desired outcome, before making investment. For this reason, Micro Focus Service Manager software was included in the project with the support of BASISTEK. They contributed to progress of the process.
When was the investment completed? Which advantages and benefits have you obtained from that day to now?
The project proceeded as planned initially and was completed within the envisaged period. Thanks to the IT service desk software, Micro Focus Service Manager which uses a consistent set of automatic process to provide service and support rapidly and fruitfully and is controlled from a single point, users found the opportunity to discuss the subjects of Incident Management, Issue Management, Change Management, Information Management and Service Desk with a single tool.
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